Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Past Quotes

T: You win this one, Chang. When do I get to win one?

Re: Mamma Mia
K: She's a woman who seduces men and takes them to a Greek island.
T: ....Circe?

T: I'm going to make you drink lots of water and then kick you in the uterus and not let you pee.
K: Why does every scenario end with me being kicked in the uterus?

T: If you need anything, I'll be in the shower.
K: What, I'm going to run in, throw open the curtain, and scream "MAY I BORROW YOUR STAPLER?"

Kerou's Yokohama Vsit Quotes - Spring 2010

K: Hey look, 390 yen of "Chinese something something."
T: Oh, Chinese soba 390 yen.
K: What is Chinese soba?
T: And really good Chinese soba!
K: Oh, have you been there?
T: Oh no, that's what it says: "Really good Chinese soba."

Re: Kerou lending Tiffany a Nuvaring
T: We're like the Fates, but slutty!
K: Dude, what if we shared a vagina? "Dude, I'm getting laid! I need the vagina!"

K: Diarrhea is not a component of depression... 'Cause that would make me a sad panda. A realllllyyy sad panda...

Goals in Life

1. Britney Spears Concert
2. Meet 吳孟達
3. Go to 張學友 concert
4. Publish a book
5. Be one half of a power couple
6. Tiffany Hong Eugenics Project

1. Join CIA
2. Go to 張學友 concert
3. Meet Ryan Reynolds
4. Be rich enough to buy an Audi R8 and have the diplomatic immunity to drive it as fast as I want
5. Buy a ranch in WA and open up an animal rescue

Greatest Fears

1. Slugs
2. Matthew Schilleman
3. Clarinets
4. Toilets Seats Left Up
5. Face-Deforming Car Accidents
6. Sexual Communism

1. Inefficiency
2. Ineptitude
3. Not being able to stick it to people that make me spiteful